.Learn what PaintCan is supposed to do by reading this short document.
PaintCan V1.0 by Nate Fiedler (8/5/93)
This application does nothing more than change the application ownership of your graphic document. If you select a geoPaint document, it will make geoCanvas the owner of that document. If you select a geoCanvas document, it will then make geoPaint the owner of that document.
For example, double-click on a geoPaint document. Notice how the DESK TOP launches geoPaint. What the DESK TOP is doing is loading geoPaint and telling it to load or print a specific document. If you double-click on a geoWrite document, the DESK TOP will launch geoWrite. The same is true for geoCanvas. That is called application ownership.
PaintCan is used to change which application the document belongs to. There is no difference in the actual graphic file, just the ownership. So, now you can make all your old geoPaint documents into geoCanvas documents, and when you double-click on them, they will load geoCanvas instead of geoPaint.
To use PaintCan, launch it from the deskTop and select 'change owner' from the 'file' menu. A box will appear listing the documents on that disk. Use the DISK and DRIVE icons to open other disks. Select the paint file you want to convert and PaintCan will specify the type of conversion that will take place (ie which direction it's going) and you can click OK to convert the file.
The "* change icon" menu item is an indicator and toggler. Select it to turn it on and off. If the * is visible then PaintCan will change the icon of the paint document during the conversion to it's new look. In other words, when converting a geoPaint document, PaintCan will change the geoPaint document icon to a geoCanvas document icon. The same is true when going from a geoCanvas document to a geoPaint document.